About us
Platform is a creative arts magazine that focuses on different genres of innovative thoughts. We cater to the new breed of the unknown talented mind, providing them with an open floor. We focus on ideas rather than personalities. Platform is dedicated to providing meaningful and in-depth content that leaves the reader with a vision and direction
Design & Emotion society
On-Edge is a lamp which only switches on when it is off the edge of the table, and it is made of rubber. When it is fully on the table it is off. This switching characteristic and the fact that from far away the lamp glows from the inside and resembles frosted glass, gives a feeling of suspense, as the initial gut reaction of people seeing it hanging off the edge of the table is going to be “Oh no! It’s going to fall”. Of course the lamp is made of rubber, so if it falls it won’t break, but even knowing this the reaction should still be present because it is such an engrained reaction.