personal radio station !
creative use of communication technology `
tunAa handheld ad-hoc radio device for local music sharing
appropriate technology
In northern Nigeria, over 90% of the villages have no electricity.
Mohammed's invention, which he won a Rolex Award for (and $100,000), is a refrigerator than runs without electricity. designers take alook !
funkey business !
its amazing to see what all people do to get money ...
check this out:
wiered but certainly innovative !
a bit of anotherimprovement:
here's another link to a blog which talks abt all the techno gadgets and gizmos:
from today onwards u'll seethe links!!
blogger help is good !
take a look at this new concrete which's allows light to pass thru !
my first post !!
congratulations , u created ur first blog !
sounds boring first entry...ummm...
chalta hai yaar!
well welcome people to my blog.
this blog is to feed ur mind along with ur eyes...
it will start with interesting links in the field of design, art, technology, mathematics and stuff...
if u haven't yet ,do visit the portals:
updated almost daily... good reviews, but lack structuring... as in there's no basic categorisation of the websites...but nice sections like resources, toolbox etc..
umm... few months back, i've a good impression abt the portal,but...
they update it very rarely...may be once a month or so...
good categories... but only the name of the site cant help u decide what it contains...
anyways good for new visitor.. enjoy...